Sunday, July 20, 2008

This weeks verse...

Joshua 1:9

"I command you-be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."

Overwhelmed. I feel this emotion alot - in my work, with clutter in my home, with family, with the animals. When I start feeling overwhelmed, I don't feel strong or courageous and I'm definately worried, afraid and get discouraged easily.


Why do we let the things of this world do this to us? For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

Why do I limit Him? This verse is so true. He is so big. He is with me at all times. He loves me and will take care of me.

I really feel the need to memorize this verse because sometimes I forget! So this is the verse to memorize this week.

I forgot to post the past 2 weeks verses.....Sorry!

Blog more later.....

1 comment:

koinonia community said...

I need to work on the same verse this week. I feel like a whiney baby. But I don't wanna be strong. I don't wanna be courageous. I want my blankie! I need to look around and realize that he has my back. I need to remember that he has my best interests in mind, and is in the process of granting me the desires of my heart.

Love you!


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