Monday, June 30, 2008

Colossians 2:6-7

"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness."

These are the verses that I'm concentrating on this week and I thought I would share them with you. I'm going to try to each week as I'm learning these verses, to post them on the blog and dissect them to life. I've highlighted the areas of action that are required by me. Throughout scripture Christ tells us how to handle life. So many times during the busyness of the days, I'll read scripture but not really look in detail at what it tells me to do.

Receive Christ Jesus as Lord - At an early age I accepted Christ as my Saviour but it wasn't until 4-5 years ago that I accepted him Lord of my life. I see many people that have accepted him as Saviour but do not understand that it is more than that. Submitting your whole life to him to be Lord over is the ultimate reward. I use to pray and talk to him when I needed - during those "bad" times. Walking with God on a daily bases is so much more than that. It's talking to him during the good times, the hectic times, the times when you don't know what to do, the times when you hear him tell you of something he needs you to do, etc.

Continue to live in him - In recent blogs I mentioned F.R.O.G. (Fully Relying on God). This is one way that I can continue living in him. Studying verses. Attending church to hear others discuss passages. Being active in my small group - not just enjoying the fellowship but actively taking a part during discussions. These are all ways for me to continue to live in him.

Rooted, built up, & strengthened in him- Just as when plants need nourishment, they draw from the soil through their roots - we draw our life and strength from Christ. The more we draw closer to him and the more strength we draw from him - we are built up in him and less from the world. By reading and studying His Word, talking with Him, Relying on Him - we built ourselves up in Him.

Overflowing with thankfulness - We are to be thankful in all situations with all things. Sometimes this is hard to do. I've been trying to look at every situation I'm in - good and bad - and thanking him for those. It makes me more aware of when I rely on him, look to him for answers instead of the world, I can see where I'm growing by the way I handle situations. Try this - even in the bad times - it makes the world of difference.

As I've gotten older, memorizing things have gotten harder for me. (Runs in my family!!!) I'm writing these verses down on index cards and keeping them with me. For the next few days, I want to rewrite this verse every morning - first starting here with the blog, then on post it notes and sticking them in my car, at my desk, on the mirror in the bathroom, on the fridge, etc. Ways that will help me to see them visual.

I want to be rooted in Christ. He has blessed me with so many miracles and blessings. I owe it to him to truly take to heart his word and to learn it. If you have any other suggests for memorizing Bible verses - please leave me a comment. I need all the help I can get!!!! Thanks!!!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I post them all over my house! and on the dash of my car if I am really trying.

Great verses! I love them, one thing I did when them was write prayers for friends using them and then mailed them to them.



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